Almost no one looks forward to a performance review - but with these practices you can do a better job and lessen the dread - for yourself and the employee
Prepare for a focused discussion. Plan how you start the conversion; review the employees' highs and lows for the whole year (not just the last 3 months), collect examples so you can illustrate feedback clearly
Pick a location where you will not be interrupted (no coffee shops, canteens or in a public area) and
Choose a time that allows you and your employee to have a good amount of time for the discussion
When the employee arrives, be sure to set expectations of what you want to achieve, this is meant to be a discussion so let the employee know that is an expectation
Share your core points citing examples previously collected
Invite reaction to your feedback and examples. If you are met with silence you might need to have another follow up discussion after the employee has had the chance to reflect on the feedback
Have the employee summarise the feedback given then
Jointly decide next steps
Provide the written text to the employee there and then
Follow up with the employee to ask for reaction and clarify next steps in any development planning for the year ahead