In the training room how do you encourage participation from the group?

Over head questions - asking a question to the whole room and waiting for answers - are a key technique for getting participant response without spotlighting any particular person
And I've used it countless times. What I have found there are many places where this technique works brilliantly, but there are times where it can fall flat...
Introverted groups
When delivering training in a language other that the native language to the participants
Groups with low levels of psychological safety
And that is where a little adaptation - and sticky notes come in handy
Distribute sticky notes to each table
Request each person to take a few notes for their self
Ask your overhead question and have the participants put their answers on a note while sitting at their table: Specifying one idea / answer per note
Give the group time to write their answers and;
Ask the group to place their notes on a flipchart / whiteboard
You lead the debrief by reading out the notes and inviting commentary from the group
Variation: At step 4, have the group discuss their answers on their tables before step 5 - helping them build their talk track / comfort around the topic