Congratulations you've got a new role. Now how do you make the most of it?
Before Day One
Plan your route to get there (if it's physical) so you arrive on time
Dress well. You can ask HR about the dress code if you like, but dress to impress. A tie can come off, a jacket can be put away, but it's harder to dress up than it is to dress down once you're at work
Make sure you know who to ask for when you arrive - a name and number will be useful especially in larger offices
Have your Wi-Fi sorted out if your new role is virtual
Prepare your introduction: be ready to introduce yourself: name, role, what you're looking forward to. And make sure to keep it brief

Day One
Plan on being there 15-20 minutes early. But not too early
Take notes on everything - it aids memory retention - and looks "keen"
Start a "who to call list" - name, mobile number, email, function, location (time zone) and what to call them for
Lead with curiosity: Ask questions (and listen to the answers) if you aren't clear, ask again. Take notes.
Find out about your colleagues: why do they work here? what's their story?
Make an effort to remember people's names
Every Day Thereafter
Keep taking notes
Add to and edit your who to call list
What would you add to this list?