Doing all or even some of these thing damage your relationships with those around you, reduce your insight and understanding of what is going on with those people, making it harder for you to support or help them. Even doing just one or two every now and again has a negative impact.
Take a moment to review this list" which of these do you do?

Approach important listening situations without the intention to focus? (like when you're about to get feedback)
Forget to take steps to prevent interruptions or distractions
Engage in other activities like reading email, using social media, or working on a file while you're listening
Assume you know what others will say and tune out as a result
Finish sentences for others when they stumble or pause
Find that your biases or preconceived positions cause you to tune out
Become impatient and tune others out when they say things that you don't agree with or don't want to hear
Form a rebuttal in your mind while others are talking
Ignore nonverbal cues such as voice tone posture and pace
Act as if you understand what people are saying rather than risk embarrassment by asking them to repeat themselves or clarify a point
Listen for specific facts rather than broad ideas
Fidget when people speak too slowly or when their conversation is boring
Dwell on aspects of others that have no bearing on conversations (example clothing or mannerisms)
Daydream when others are talking
Use the same response repeatedly (example "right", "uh-huh" etc.) in place of really listening
Use body language that does not encourage communication
Know a bad listener? Forward this list to them!