It seems obvious but it isn't until you've learned it
We get so wrapped up in the situations we find ourselves in and too often focus on what is beyond our control. We worry about what people think, we worry about what might go wrong
In a workshop with the team that had just lost it's much loved and respected leader, the regional director stood and asked what was worrying or concerning us about the change in leadership this meant for us all
As we listed out each of the problems, challenges and worries on sticky notes he quietly observed and encouraged us to add as many concerns as we could think of
Once we have listed everything we could think of he shared the Circle of Control model

And then had us place each sticky note into the appropriate circle
What we could control went into the innermost circle
Where our voice could influence the possible outcome it went into the next circle
And where we had no control it want into the outer circle
The the discussion became more focused on the things we could control and influence. After that he made commitments to our outer circle that were in HIS circles of control and influence. Taking the discussion from helplessness to hope, from apathy to action