When leaders learn how to coach in the flow of work they often struggle with giving answers to direct questions from their teams. Here is a step by step guide to what you can try...When an employee asks you haw to fix a challenge or situation
instead of answering them by telling them what to do try the following:

Play back a brief summary of what you just heard. This confirms your understanding and allows them to hear what they're saying from a different perspective
Stay silent and let them process what they just told you
Ask them what they have already tried and the results they have had. Listen to what they say
Stay silent and let them process what they just told you
Ask them when they have experienced similar issues in the past, how have they dealt with them (and how can that help them here)
Stay silent and let them process what they just told you
Ask them who else they could invite into the situation to help them think through what to do
Stay silent and let them process what they just told you
Ask them what they think the next steps should be. Listen to them carefully
Ask them to check in with you when they have done what they just suggested